Monday, 15 August 2016

Review of "The Artist"

As promised in my blog interview, I've read Juliette Bank's novella "The Artist". 

My conclusion? Sweet and steamy!

I’ve just finished reading it and still have a smile on my face. I genuinely enjoyed it. 

It's told from the POV of the two main characters, alternating slowly enough to avoid "head-hopping", and I thought it rattled along very nicely. The premise was an interesting one to build a story around, and Juliette has produced an entertaining story with a developing romantic relationship and steamy love-making scenes. And eventually a fair bit of mutually-enjoyed spanking! It started gently, then the pace built up. The crisis in the later part of the story added some drama, and was nicely resolved.

I also liked the little details on life in the mid 19th century, with household water still coming from pumps, and railways being a real novelty. The writing also reflects the period a little, enough to give a flavour, but thankfully not a mid-19th century narrative style.

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